Cascade Smith: The Hydra Sanction
A giant sea serpent of Greek mythology with nine heads, one of them immortal. The task to slay the Hydra was the second labour of Hercules – no easy task, as for every head cut off, another would grow in its stead.
To kill the Hydra, its immortal head must be cut off then cauterised in flame.
It is the year 2031, and Australia has just turned back a Chinese invasion force in the naval Battle of the Arafura Sea, ensuring stability in the South Pacific for the foreseeable future.
But China is playing the long game, moving its focus to a massive cyber-attack across the West, aimed at world domination through stealth in lieu of military conquest.
To this end, China’s MSS has developed Hydra, the most advanced quantum computer the world has ever seen, and in 2032 they start to use it, successfully attacking the governments of the Philippines and then Japan with devastating effect.
The ‘brain’ of Hydra is sunk 1000 feet deep in the Dragon Hole, a sinkhole in the South China Sea, from where it beams attack codes to eight satellites orbiting the key capital cities of the West.
America’s NSA identifies the location of Hydra, but President Sigourney Owen rules out a tactical nuclear strike, as that would be a prelude to a Third World War.
It is resolved to mount a commando operation, with US Navy SEALs launched by submarine to attack the Dragon Hole with a specially-designed depth charge code-named Hercules.
Four SEALS volunteer for the suicide mission.
One of them is Cascade Smith.
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Day of the Dinosaurs
A young child goes missing visiting a dinosaur-themed park on the Island of Crete in Greece. Despite a worldwide search, he is never found. It is only later a disturbing picture emerges concerning his upbringing. The dinosaur park has been built in a crater created by a meteor many millions of years ago. Unknown to the park’s owners, fragments of the meteor have affected the animatronic creations, empowering them with intelligence. There is also an ancient myth concerning a Messiah-like child who will change the course of history. New technology, the internet, and artificial intelligence will play their part in bringing about the prophesied Armageddon.
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The Two Worlds of Geratica Volume 2: The Mistress of Geratica
The planet of Geratica has at its core a live dominant sex. The world is run by women and men are traditionally subservient. It is a monarchy, and its head of state must always be a queen. A schism at the core means that a parallel world has been created - Geraticai. On Geratica, Queen Alexandra reigns over a prosperous realm, but where discontent is brewing over the issue of 'male rights' in some quarters. Meanwhile on Geraticai, whose inhabitants tend to be more malevolent, Queen Victoria rules as a tyrant to her subjects, many of whom are impoverished. She is struggling to produce an heir, and has hatched a desperate plot to achieve her goal. If successful, this could mean the destruction of Geratica. In the second volume of this chronicle, we see how Queen Victoria launched her scheme, in the Geratican year 5000. Back in the present, Alexandra Radcliffe continues to be suspicious of the mysterious Fiona, stepmother of her boyfriend, Tom Ryder, and discovers a strange object in their hamlet wood which ends up taking her on an unexpected and perilous journey. Then the arrival of a highly unusual being results in a momentous decision having to be made and ultimately sets in motion a chain of events which will cause great social, political and civil unrest in both the worlds of Geratica and Geraticai...
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The Two Worlds of Geratica - The Women of Geratica
Geratica is a planet where women have the dominant role. Men, still the stronger of the sexes, are consigned to manual work, whereas the women rule in politics, the professions and in royalty. The core of the planet is female, which is mirrored in sexual activity where women lead the way.For Linda Radcliffe, even in her role as Senior Court Administrator to the queen, life is not easy. Petty jealousies hold sway. Her daughter, Alexandra, a pupil at the Charterhouse College, slated as College Champion and headed for the prime higher educational institution, Castra, is under threat from her peers.In Anne Hampton's The Two Worlds of Geratica, Linda must steer her daughter through the pitfalls inflicted on her by Gillian Spencer, the daughter of Elizabeth"”headmistress of Charterhouse"”while insurrection threatens where the men of Geratica fight for equal rights.
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Secret Island
Christopher and David are two lecturers who have come to Egypt to visit the magnificent pyramids. But awaiting them are not the mysteries of Egypt but of a land altogether unknown. Beyond a shroud of mist and raging seas, guarded by ferocious creatures, Atlantis is as mercurial as it is eerily familiar. Its people are proud guardians of all life on earth, from the dinosaurs they have given refuge to, to the eagles they revere.This story tells of a race of people whose aim is to replenish the world with their stewardship. Chris and David are thrust into their enigmatic world with Amon, who has been separated from his homeland for years, and the first thing they have to face is a tribe of cannibals, intent on their next meal…
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Albion bleeds, its people suffer, its capital in ruins and still the war that put an end to the Skavite rebellion threatens the fabric of Albion civilisation. The army of the free democratic government march north against their king, determined to end the royal line forever.Duke Benedict heads the king’s army in a desperate attempt to save the royalist cause and way of life. Who will prevail in this bloody civil conflict?The second book of Devastation will settle once and for all the age-old argument of the rule of Albion, electoral representation or divine right.
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Convergence: Towards Immortality
What if there was no further need for faith: how would that impact and change the world? What if science was able to unravel the secret to immortality and the composition of the soul: how would that affect humanity? It is the year 2038 and the world has entered a period of great scientific discovery and achievement. It is also a time of upheaval and uncertainty, where old ways, systems and cultures are challenged by new norms, new social structures and new threats. Convergence is the story of Laura, Alessandro and other brave individuals whose destinies become intertwined through a series of significant archaeological and scientific undertakings. It forces them to collaborate in order to ensure that the truth that lies beyond is revealed to all of humanity. The quest they embark upon will propel them to overcome danger and adversity and to answer the ultimate human question through the greatest discovery of all time.
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Annihilation of a Planet II
Sometimes, to save the world, we have to start with ourselves.Having protected the world from sure destruction thirty years before, Lawrence, a B12 Android, is now languishing on a death pole on Mars. His creator's son, Prof. Paul Linsdale, makes an impassioned plea to return this extraordinary humanoid to earth. But a successful yet turbulent rescue attempt on the red planet leaves an android and an ancient NASA space rover, Spirit, stranded.The great Lawrence is hailed as a hero, but the humanoid has other plans for his life other than the one marked for his return. Handing over vital, as yet indecipherable, alien data to Linsdale, Lawrence disappears. Prof. Linsdale, now under financial pressure to produce Lawrence, resorts to subterfuge and creates a replica, but little does the scientist know that the replica's programming has been compromised by a cup of spilled coffee.As the 'real' Lawrence starts appearing in war-torn areas, environmentally distressed regions and economically depressed parts of South America, the questions and tension start to build for the well-meaning professor.And that's all before the replica Lawrence starts to unveil his plans...The second book in the Annihilation of a Planet series explores the sensitive relationships man holds with his physical environment, technology and individual faith. Like Aesop, author Antonion Borges uses fable-like elements to produce a persuasive argument for changes to our governments, our charities and, most importantly, ourselves.
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The Queen Of The Geraticaian Empire
With the two parallel worlds of Geratica - Geratica and Geraticai - now finally separated, Geratica has a new constitution drafted by the brilliant young Alexandra Radcliffe. Her mother, Linda, is now aiming to become their first prime minister. She is determined to bring in reforms and will need to deal with the continuing issue of male rights. Alexandra is graduating from Castra University and will shortly be embarking upon plans for her own career, which Linda is keen to be involved in.
Meanwhile, Geraticai has returned to a monarchy after its recent bloody civil war, with Queen Saphron now reigning and married to Gordon, the son of a wealthy mine owner. However to be a Geratician monarch with her Geratican noble origins is controversial amongst some on that world, and her sister in law, an ambitious young woman called Christabel, aims to take the throne for herself. Geraticai now has a parliament for the first time and a prime minister, Daniella Sturridge.
At the same time the now officially deceased mongrel, Fiona, whose mind still lives on mixed with that of the other, Robert - Linda Radcliffe's former husband - as a hybrid inside the mistress of Geratica's domain, is plotting to avenge her situation by manipulating unrest on Geratica, and now sees an opportunity to infiltrate and adapt Christabel's plans for her own sinister purposes...
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The Lecture
As Dr Daniel Brown prepares to present the first of his three lectures, he reflects upon how his life has been forever changed by the events leading up to this presentation. However, he does not yet know that his life, and indeed the whole world, is about to be changed forever. While presenting long-overdue answers to age-old questions, the ultimate crime is suddenly discovered during an adventure which shocks the audience to the core.
The ensuing punishment is relentless…
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The Future Within
An underground bunker is found in the middle of a paddock. Within is decay, no trace of life and a mystery Rhuannedd and her husband need to uncover. So they assemble their team to discover what happened. Then the military steps in. What could possibly have occurred that would draw the military into their discovery? The only way to find out is to keep digging.
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The Earthenseers
Sam Brayshaw leads a mundane life in a grimy London suburb, with a job that doesn't suit him. As his affinity with nature leads to abilities he never knew he possessed, he gets drawn unwittingly into a power struggle between two ancient and powerful cults. Meanwhile, a dark threat is watching and waiting from a billion light years away, and it will only be satisfied with the total obliteration of all life on Earth.